Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Productivity at Work

I don't know about you but many days at work I look up and wonder where the day has gone. Here is some tips that have helped me to increase my efficiency and productivity.

1) Write a daily task list and plan your day every morning. There’s nothing like a task list sitting next to you to keep you focused. When you have a list of the things you need to accomplish in a day, having that close to you constantly reminding you of what needs to be done is a great way of keeping on track. Tackle the phone calls early then move on to the harder tasks.

2)Time boxing. Instead of working at something till it is done, try working on it for a limited period, say 30 mins. By that time, the task is either completed or you allocate another time slot, perhaps in another day, to pick it up again. This way, you keep your work fresh and engaging throughout the entire working day.

3) Setup filters in your email. If you spend a lot of your time communicating and planning in front of your computer, chances are you deal with emails on a frequent basis. Setting up filters in your email client can be a great way of sorting out what’s important and urgent from personal stuff which can wait. Instead of dealing with a single Inbox with hundreds of unread email, you only need to deal with smaller folders categorised by project, priority and context.

Do not check personal email in the morning. Checking personal emails can be very distracting even with filters setup. You should check your personal email only after you have a few tasks completed or underway.

4) Set your Skype status to not available.

5) Turn-on the music or just where noise canceling ear phones. Be careful that music choices are not distracting.

6)Take a break every 15 minutes get out of chair for every 45 minutes

7) Keep your work space clean. Clean desk, and organized will make you feel better.

8) Limit your internet surfering. This can be a major distraction.

9) Change your perception, and challenge yourself to make work fun and stay connected people. Remeber people are good.

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